Fibroid removal options

Uterine Fibroid Removal and Treatment

When you first learn that you have fibroids, it may seem like uterine fibroid removal surgery is the only solution to treat painful symptoms. However, Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) is a proven, non-surgical treatment that can shrink existing fibroids, reducing or diminishing symptoms and allowing you to regain control of your life. Because UFE involves no surgery, it does less damage to the body than fibroid removal surgery. 

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors in the uterus or on the uterine walls. Fibroids are very common, affecting up to 80 percent of women in the United States. Also known as myomas or leiomyomas, fibroids range in size, location, number, and type. They can cause painful or uncomfortable symptoms for some women, while others may not even know they have fibroids until a doctor or gynecologist discovers them.

Some of the common symptoms of fibroids include:

  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Stomach cramps
  • Back pain
  • Pelvic pain
  • Frequent urination
  • Painful sex


Surgery is the most frequent treatment for uterine fibroids. However, procedures like hysterectomies and myomectomies can have severe side effects, which may include loss of fertility or potential damage to other vital organs. Doctors may recommend fibroid removal options if fibroids interfere with your daily life or ability to conceive. Minimally invasive methods that involve no cutting can shrink fibroids until they die off, which usually alleviates painful symptoms.

Fibroid Surgery Options

If a doctor confirms that you have fibroids, there are options for uterine fibroid removal or treatment. Although it is a common misconception, fibroid removal surgery is not the only effective method. There are less invasive treatments available today, such as UFE. Whether you have suffered from fibroids for years or have only recently been diagnosed, it’s important to know there are safe ways to relieve your pain and discomfort.


Many doctors recommend a hysterectomy as the preferred treatment option for a woman with fibroids. A hysterectomy involves removing the uterus and, in some cases, other reproductive organs. The result is that you can’t get pregnant or carry a child after having this surgery option for fibroids. Be aware that surgery always carries more risk. While this may be a solution for some women, it’s still best to explore alternatives that are also effective in treating fibroids.


A myomectomy is a surgical procedure for fibroid removal that keeps the uterus intact. A doctor may recommend one of several types of myomectomies, depending on the size and location of the fibroids. Although a myomectomy does not have as significant an impact on fertility as a hysterectomy, it is still more invasive than UFE. In addition, a myomectomy is not recommended for treating large or multiple fibroids.

Non-Surgical Fibroid Removal Options

Several options for the non-surgical treatment of fibroids exist. However, they don’t all have the same effectiveness, so making an informed decision is crucial. Discuss your options with a fibroid specialist who can help you make the right decision about surgical versus non-surgical fibroid treatment.


Certain medications may aid in managing your uterine fibroids. Gonadotropin-releasing hormones (GnRH) can trigger the release of progesterone and estrogen, which regulate your menstrual cycle and cause fibroids to grow. Medications that decrease levels of gonadotropin-releasing hormones also decrease progesterone and estrogen, possibly shrinking your fibroids.


This treatment utilizes a synthetic medication similar to testosterone. This medication reduces estrogen production and can prevent your menstrual cycle from starting, thus helping to relieve fibroid symptoms.


Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) is a minimally invasive uterine fibroid treatment without surgery. During UFE, an interventional radiologist inserts a tiny catheter into your numbed wrist or upper thigh, then injects particles into the arteries that supply blood to the uterus. The particles will then block blood from reaching your fibroids, causing them to shrink.

Fibroid Removal While Pregnant

Fibroids often grow during pregnancy because of the release of hormones, and you may suffer from more symptoms as the fibroids increase in size. It’s possible to develop fibroids while pregnant, but they are often already present. You are more likely to notice symptoms from fibroids that have already developed but didn’t pose a problem before. Hormones like estrogen increase during pregnancy, which can cause already existing fibroids to grow until they become symptomatic.

While you are pregnant, most doctors will opt to manage your fibroids and their symptoms rather than recommend treatment. Fibroid removal is not often recommended until after the baby has been born because of the risk it can pose.

Do Uterine Fibroids Have to Be Removed?

You should only make the decision to have fibroids removed after speaking with a fibroid specialist who can provide the best recommendation for treatment. While most fibroids are benign, some growths may be cancerous. Fibroid removal may be beneficial even if it isn’t necessary at the time of diagnosis.

Small fibroids can continue to grow and trigger painful symptoms in the future. They may also interfere with fertility, conception, pregnancy, or delivery. Some doctors may recommend medication to manage symptoms rather than invasive surgery. However, non-surgical methods of shrinking fibroids, such as uterine fibroid embolization, often pose a better option than leaving them untreated. USA Fibroid Centers offer UFE as a treatment to alleviate or eliminate fibroid symptoms.


Risk of Fibroids Returning

Two hormones, estrogen and progesterone, are thought to stimulate the development of uterine lining during each menstrual cycle and promote the growth of fibroids. Therefore, while fibroids don’t return after treatment, there is always the possibility that new ones can develop.

A total hysterectomy offers the most assurance that fibroids won’t return because the uterus and ovaries have been removed. A partial hysterectomy leaves the ovaries, and the natural hormones that may contribute to fibroids remain. Because some of the uterine tissue also remains, there is always the possibility that a new fibroid can grow.

With a myomectomy, the same fibroids won’t return, but new fibroids can form. Any treatment that doesn’t involve removing the entire uterus can allow new fibroids to form. However, conception is still possible.

UFE is considered extremely effective for fibroid treatment, and the likelihood of fibroids treated with this method recurring is very rare.

Why Doctors Consider UFE the Gold Standard Fibroid Removal Option

Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) is used worldwide and is considered by many doctors to be the “gold standard” treatment for fibroid removal. Medical studies have found UFE to provide significant relief in over 90 percent of women. In addition, the procedure is relatively quick and painless, particularly compared to a hysterectomy. 

While a hysterectomy offers women the only method of removing fibroids permanently, it does so at the cost of removing the uterus itself. This can be a drastic measure, particularly for women who still wish to become pregnant, as the removal of the uterus makes conception impossible. UFE, on the other hand, leaves the uterus intact while treating the fibroids that currently exist with minimal inconvenience. In many cases, UFE presents a more desirable option than surgical fibroid treatments.

Hysterectomy fibroid surgery involves the following:

  • A hospital stay
  • Surgical risks such as infection, excessive bleeding, blood clots, and an adverse reaction to general anesthesia
  • Stitches
  • Scarring
  • A lengthy recovery time of between six to eight weeks, during which you may not be able to lift heavy objects or drive while on pain medications
  • The loss of fertility

Alternatively, some of the many benefits of UFE may include:

  • A proven 90% success rate in eliminating painful symptoms
  • Going home the same day
  • A short procedure, lasting only 30 to 45 minutes
  • No general anesthesia
  • Light sedative provided for comfort
  • Stitches not required
  • No scarring
  • A recovery period of one to two weeks
  • Leaves the uterus intact
  • Retains fertility

Contact USA Fibroid Centers for Uterine Fibroid Removal

If you have fibroids, you can experience freedom from fibroid pain and symptoms without undergoing uterine fibroid removal surgery. USA Fibroid Centers offers UFE, a minimally invasive treatment for fibroids that can relieve your symptoms with a shorter recovery period than surgery.

To learn more about UFE and how the procedure can help you, schedule a consultation online or call us at 855.615.2555.

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