an unhappy couple in a bedroom: fibrodis and sex

Having uterine fibroids can impact your well-being and everyday life. As a result, they can also affect aspects of your romantic and sexual relationship. It can feel difficult to talk about a topic like fibroids because the experience is so personal, but healthy relationships are all about communicating and sharing your personal experiences and feelings. By understanding how to talk about your fibroids with your partner, you can achieve a healthier sex life and relationship.

Fibroids and Relationships

Since fibroids can grow to various sizes and appear in different parts of your uterus, they can cause a wide range of symptoms that can impact your relationship. Fibroid-related issues include:

  • Pain during sex and other sexual difficulties: Fibroids in certain parts of the uterus can cause pain during sexual intercourse. In some cases, fibroids can also result in bleeding after sex or a reduction in libido.
  • Heavy and long periods: Many women who have fibroid symptoms experience heavy periods that last more than 10 days. They can also have irregular bleeding that makes it difficult to predict when they can have sex.
  • Physical symptoms such as fatigue and chronic nausea: The physical health issues associated with fibroids can also interfere with your sex life and relationship. Symptoms like nausea, headaches, and fatigue can reduce the time and energy needed to have a fulfilling sexual and romantic life.

As a woman with fibroids, you can still have a healthy sex life and relationship. Just like with any other aspect of dating and sex, communication can help you navigate a relationship when you have fibroids.

How to Talk to Your Partner About Fibroids

When it comes fibroids and relationships, the most important part is communication. When you have fibroids or receive a diagnosis, you may feel nervous talking about the situation with your partner. You might feel self-conscious about your body or worry if fibroids will hurt your relationship. By talking about your fibroids with your partner, you can make sure your relationship meets your needs. Remember these tips when you talk to your partner about your fibroids:

  • Establish your needs: Both partners have needs in a relationship. Consider how your fibroids change your needs and discuss the change with your partner. This conversation can also serve as an excellent opportunity to talk about any other needs you have and ask your partner about theirs.
  • Learn about fibroids and explain them to your partner: Researching your condition and conversing about it with your partner can help you both understand how it affects your relationship. It also gives you the terms and concepts you need to better talk about fibroids.
  • Practice open communication during sex: Fibroids can change your experience with sex in many ways. If something causes discomfort during sex or worsens one of your symptoms, bring it up to your partner. That way, you can try a different position or change other actions to make the experience more comfortable.

Talking about fibroids can get difficult, but open communication with your partner will improve the relationship for both of you.

How to Talk to Your Partner Who Has Fibroids

Likewise, if your partner has fibroids, you need to understand what they’re going through and empathize with their situation. Living with fibroid symptoms can be a daily stressor that can be extremely frustrating for your partner. If your partner has fibroids, there are few things you can do to help ease their pain.

  • Don’t get frustrated: If your partner doesn’t feel good or has to cancel plans, don’t blame them. Fibroids can make one feel exhausted, so opt to stay in for the night.
  • Keep the essentials: A partnership means you can be open and trust the other person to always have your back. Let your partner know that they can keep an extra pair of clothes, some Ibuprofen, or some extra pads or tampons in your car or at your house for easy access. Bleeding can be unexpected and embarrassing, but if you have the essentials, you can avoid a ruined night or the need to go home early.
  • Listen to them: Sometimes it feels good to just complain. Fibroids hurt…a lot, so being there to listen to your partner’s concerns or frustrations may bring you even closer. Fibroid symptoms can be mentally draining, so sometimes they just need the comfort of a loved one to get through the day.
  • Do your research: Learning about fibroids can help one understand what someone is truly going through. This lets your partner know you support them and want to help them through this tough part in their life. A partner can help by doing research and suggesting treatment options that could improve their overall quality of life.

Relieve Your Fibroid Symptoms at USA Fibroid Centers

If your fibroids get in the way of living a fulfilling life, it may be time to seek treatment. Our doctors are passionate about providing their patients with the best care. Schedule your initial appointment to start your journey toward a life without fibroid symptoms, and subscribe to our newsletter for more helpful advice on living with fibroids.