Why is Period Blood Color Different?
Noticing the color of your period blood can help identify any abnormalities or medical issues you may have. Period blood changes color based on how long it has been in the uterus or vagina, even under normal circumstances. However, it can also indicate an underlying medical problem existing in your body.
You may notice different colors if you have irregular periods. Blood changes color when it oxidizes or reacts with the oxygen in your body. As you see the different colors, you need to understand their meaning.
Period Blood Color Meaning
If period blood color changes, it can be a regular part of your monthly cycle. However, it may signal a health condition such as uterine fibroids. It is important to pay attention to the color of your period blood and note any other symptoms you may experience and provide this information to your doctor.
Red Period Blood
Red is the color you most likely expect to see during your period. However, period blood can range from bright red to darker red. Bright red means that the blood is being shed quickly from the uterus. It doesn’t react with oxygen, which prevents the color change. You may see this shade of red during the heaviest part of your period, which is considered normal.
Dark red blood during a period means that the uterus takes longer to shed the lining. If your periods last several days or have a lighter flow, you may notice this color. Like bright red blood, the darker red doesn’t mean anything is wrong with your period.
Pink Period Blood
Period blood becomes pink when the mucus discharge dilutes the red blood from the vagina. You may also notice the pink color with light periods.
Brown Period Blood
Near the end of your period, your blood may mix with mucus discharge, which gives it a brownish hue. Brown period blood isn’t a cause for concern unless you experience other symptoms.
Black Period Blood
Black period blood is old blood that hasn’t left the body as quickly as it should. You may notice this color if your period is longer than average. It is usually considered normal, but it can indicate a problem, which is why you may want to mention the color to your doctor during your annual checkup.
Gray Period Blood
Gray tissue with blood may indicate that a woman has a miscarriage. Gray blood during your period can also indicate an infection, such as bacterial vaginosis. If you notice gray blood or tissue, you should contact your doctor immediately.
Period Blood Color During Pregnancy
If you notice spotting during pregnancy, it isn’t necessarily a reason to be concerned. Light bleeding during the first trimester is not unusual, and the color will look similar to an average period. However, you may want to contact your doctor if bleeding continues, becomes heavy, or is accompanied by pain or other symptoms.
When Should I See a Doctor?
Doctors aren’t as concerned about the color of period blood as much as a heavy flow, spotting between periods, prolonged periods, and severe cramping. If you suffer from any of these symptoms, you may want to tell your doctor about any unusual period blood color. You should also contact a doctor if you are bleeding while pregnant more than occasional spotting. Don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor if you are concerned about the color of your period blood. They can either reassure you or order tests to determine a reason for concern.
Period Blood Clots
Clots aren’t necessarily abnormal during a period. Small clots about the size of a quarter are not unusual as the lining is expelled from the uterus. Large clots could be a sign of a problem. They should be reported to a doctor, especially if accompanied by other symptoms.
Abnormal Bleeding
What is considered abnormal bleeding is not about the color, which can vary throughout your period. Instead, it focuses on the amount of bleeding, length of period, or anything different from what you usually experience.
Abnormal bleeding may exhibit the following symptoms:
- Soaking a pad every hour
- Having a period that lasts longer than a week
- Having shorter cycles with heavier periods
- Bleeding in between your periods
- Severe cramping during your period
If you experience any of these symptoms, you should talk to your doctor.
Period Blood Symptoms of Fibroids
Heavy bleeding during your period shouldn’t be ignored. It can be a sign of fibroids, especially if it is accompanied by severe cramping. Changes in periods or developing other symptoms are often how uterine fibroids are diagnosed.
Other symptoms of fibroids include
- Back pain
- Prolonged periods
- Bleeding in between periods
- Stomach swelling
- Anemia
- Pain during intercourse
If you experience these symptoms, you should seek treatment with USA Fibroid Centers.
Schedule a Visit with USA Fibroid Centers
Fibroid specialists at USA Fibroid Centers can either put your mind at ease about your period blood color or determine if you suffer from uterine fibroids. Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) is a non-surgical treatment for fibroids that can help stop abnormal bleeding. Schedule a consultation online or call 855.615.2555 to visit one of our centers and find out how you can get back to a normal life.