average size of uterus

Average Uterus Size

If your doctor has talked to you about having an average uterus size or discussed the concern of an enlarged uterus, you may wonder about the definition of “average.” It may help you better understand your uterus and any health concerns if you realize how this organ is measured and what makes it average.

The uterus measurements are found in three ways. First, it is measured by the length, from the fundus of the uterus to the outside opening. The fundus is the part of the uterus farthest from the opening. It may also be measured by the width of the uterus, which is measured across the fundus. The third measurement is the thickness of the uterus.

The uterus grows at puberty when it becomes pear-shaped. At this point, it has reached its full size, but the volume will continue to change during a woman’s reproductive years. It changes throughout the menstrual cycle, ranging from 75 ccs to 200 ccs.

The normal size of the uterus is about three inches in length and two inches at the widest part. The uterus can expand up to five times its normal size during pregnancy. Compare this change in the uterus as if it were going from a lemon to the size of a watermelon.

If your uterus has changed size and you experience other symptoms of uterine fibroids, you can seek treatment with a fibroid specialist through Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE). UFE is a minimally invasive procedure which can help your uterus go back to its original size and shape.

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Uterus Size with Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that can grow inside or on the uterus. The fibroids in your uterus can continue to grow and change the shape and size of the average uterus size. How much the fibroids increase the size of the uterus will depend on how many fibroids are present, where they are located, and how big they grow.

Fibroids can have a wide range of sizes, with the ability to change the average uterus size by causing it to expand. They can start small, about the size of a small seed, and grow to be quite large, tor the size of a grapefruit. Large fibroids are classified as those that range from a grapefruit to a watermelon or more than 10 cm in diameter. Even medium fibroids can be large enough to increase the size of the uterus. These fibroids may range from the size of a plum to an orange.

If you have multiple fibroids, they can cause the average size uterus to expand and make you look like you’re pregnant. They can cause the uterus to expand to the point that it reaches the rib cage. As the fibroids grow, they can cause discomfort. You may be concerned about how they will impact your uterus.

What Do Fibroids Do to Your Uterus?

Fibroids can cause the average size of the uterus to change shape and expand as they grow. They can also cause the uterus to press on other organs, such as the bladder, making it difficult to empty the bladder or cause you to feel the need to urinate more often.

Fibroids often cause heavy bleeding because the pressure makes the endometrial tissue bleed more than normal. They may prevent the uterus from contracting properly to stop menstrual bleeding as expected with a normal period.

Submucosal Fibroids

Submucosal fibroids are one type of uterine fibroid located in the uterus’s inner lining, also known as the endometrium. Submucosal fibroids can grow alone or in a cluster. They often cause heavy menstrual bleeding, which can lead to anemia. They may cause pain in the lower back and fatigue and dizziness, which is often attributed to anemia.

Subserosal Fibroids

Subserosal fibroids are another type of growth which may not change the average uterus size because they are found on the outside of the organ. They can impact nearby organs, such as the bladder. These fibroids can vary in size and location in different areas around the uterus. They may cause abdominal pain, cramping, feeling full or heavy, and frequent urination.

Fibroid Symptoms and Diagnosis

Fibroid symptoms can vary based on size and location in a normal size uterus. They can also be similar to other conditions that affect the reproductive system, so it is important to discuss symptoms with your doctor.

Typical symptoms of fibroids include:

  • Heavy menstrual bleeding and longer periods
  • Bleeding between periods
  • Severe menstrual cramping
  • Pain in the pelvis or lower back
  • Frequent urination
  • Stomach swelling
  • Pain during sex
  • Anemia
  • Bloating and/or constipation

If you experience these symptoms, you should see your doctor. They may diagnose fibroids during a regular pelvic exam or use other tests to reach a diagnosis. They may recommend:

  • Ultrasound
  • MRI
  • Hysterosonography
  • Hysteroscopy

These tests can confirm a diagnosis of uterine fibroids.

average uterus size

Do Fibroids Affect Pregnant Women?

Fibroids can cause complications with pregnancy. They may grow in size during pregnancy because of the increase in progesterone. They can outgrow their blood supply, which may lead to severe pain and hospitalization to monitor the mother and baby’s conditions.

Fibroids can affect the baby’s position in the uterus, increasing the risk of miscarriage. They may also increase the risk for preterm delivery and the need for a cesarean section delivery.

Uterine Fibroid Treatment

USA Fibroid Centers offers a minimally invasive treatment for uterine fibroids to help reduce their size and accompanying symptoms. UFE treats conditions to reduce or eliminate symptoms while keeping the uterus intact, unlike a hysterectomy.

When UFE is performed, a fibroid specialist will use ultrasound technology to locate the fibroid. They will insert a tiny catheter into the thigh or wrist and inject embolic materials into the artery feeding the fibroid. When the fibroid can no longer receive nutrients, it shrinks and dies.

Contact Us for Fibroid Removal

If you are concerned about fibroids, how they can affect an average size uterus, or the symptoms that negatively impact your life, you can get help with USA Fibroid Centers. Our specialists will work with you to determine the right treatment plan. Schedule a free consultation online or call us at 855.615.2555 to visit one of our facilities.

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