- Non-Surgical Fibroid Treatment Options
- Surgical Treatment Options
- Which Treatment is Right for Me?
- The benefit of Uterine Fibroid Embolization
- Success Rate Of UFE
- UFE vs. Hysterectomy
- Do Fibroids Come Back After Non-Surgical Treatment?
- Schedule Your Uterine Fibroid Embolization Today
44% of women diagnosed with uterine fibroids are not aware of non-surgical options. 62% of women have never heard of UFE (Uterine Fibroid Embolization). However, women who took the first steps with USA Fibroid Centers now have restored their health from fibroids and share their stories. We proudly call them ‘The Ladies of Lavender’.
How Can Fibroids Be Treated Without Surgery?
Several non-surgical treatment options exist for removing fibroids. You’ll want to discuss your options with your doctor to determine your best treatment plan.
Fibroids are a source of pain and discomfort for many women of childbearing age. Although benign, these tumors can cause challenging symptoms such as painful, prolonged, heavy menstrual periods, bleeding between periods, frequent urination, pelvic pain or pressure, bloating, constipation, or pain during sexual intercourse. Heavy menstrual bleeding can also cause anemia making the patient feel tired and low in energy. You may be looking for non-surgical fibroid treatment.
Fibroid treatment without surgery is possible, and USA Fibroid Centers can help you regain control and comfort in your life.
Breaking Down Fibroid Treatment Options
Non-surgical treatment is considered the newer treatment method for fibroids, as their predecessors are surgical. Learn more about these treatments below!
At USA Fibroid Centers, our interventional radiologists perform uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) – a nonsurgical fibroid treatment – as an outpatient procedure. A tiny image-guided catheter is inserted into the femoral artery during this procedure. Small sand-like particles are infused into the arteries that supply blood to the fibroid tumor, which causes them to shrink or eventually die.
Medications may be prescribed for the pain of fibroids and other symptoms. Over the counter or prescription pain medications can help with cramping and cramps. Birth control pills or hormonal devices can reduce heavy bleeding and regulate periods. This fibroid treatment without surgery is mainly designed to help symptoms rather than remove fibroids.
The Acessa procedure is a minimally invasive treatment for fibroids performed in an operating room under anesthesia. Two small incisions are made to allow a camera to find the fibroids. An Acessa handpiece is inserted into an incision that distributes heat to destroy the fibroid tissue, similar to an ablation. The process is repeated for each fibroid.
Fibroid Removal Without Surgery
However, if you’re looking for fibroid removal options in which the fibroids are removed, the below options would fall under this category.
A radiologist may use ultrasound technology to focus ultrasound waves on the area where the fibroid is located. The waves create heat to destroy the tissue. The procedure must be repeated multiple times until the center core is destroyed.
Endometrial ablation is a non-surgical fibroid treatment performed under anesthesia as an outpatient procedure in a hospital operating room. Heat is used to destroy the fibroids, most effective for small growths.
Surgical Treatment Options
There are many surgical treatment options for fibroids. The most common surgery is hysterectomy, during which the uterus is removed. Another treatment is called myomectomy. The recovery time and risk factors associated with surgical options are higher.
A myomectomy is a major surgery to remove fibroids with major risks, including excessive blood loss and an increased chance of needing a hysterectomy. Other risks include:
- Blood clots developing
- Complications with pregnancy or childbirth
- Infection
- Scarring
This procedure doesn’t prevent fibroids from returning; it can also mean a lengthy hospital stay and extended recovery time.
A hysterectomy is another major surgical procedure. This surgery removes your uterus and ovaries, eliminating any chance of getting pregnant or carrying a baby. If the ovaries are removed, you’ll go into menopause. You can also expect vaginal bleeding and discharge several weeks after the procedure. You may also have changes in bladder and bowel functions.
Which Treatment is Right for Me?
Normally fibroids are detected during a regular pelvic exam. If you have fibroids, your uterus may feel larger or irregularly shaped. But smaller fibroids in the uterus can’t be detected during a routine exam, and your doctor might use ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis. Your doctor may discuss different treatment options once you are diagnosed with painful fibroids.
Your doctor may recommend a surgical procedure, but you may also want to consider non-surgical fibroid treatment, especially if you want to preserve your fertility. Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) is a minimally invasive outpatient treatment that can help shrink fibroids while preserving your ability to get pregnant and have a baby.
The Benefit of Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE)
There are several benefits to choosing UFE for treatment. It can treat all of your fibroids, regardless of size, while preserving the uterus for future conception. UFE has fewer risks than significant surgery because it doesn’t require general anesthesia. Scarring is limited since only a catheter is needed, and recovery is quick.
Research has shown that the success rate for UFE is 95% and that most women experience an improved quality of life after a UFE procedure.
UFE vs. Hysterectomy
An essential difference between a hysterectomy and UFE is that a hysterectomy is a surgical procedure, and UFE is non-surgical. UFE preserves your fertility by keeping your uterus intact, while a hysterectomy removes the uterus and eliminates any chance of pregnancy.
With UFE, an overnight stay is not required. In contrast, a hysterectomy usually requires a few days in the hospital UFE also offers a shorter recovery time, allowing you to return to normal activities within two weeks.
Hysterectomy recovery can take up to eight weeks. A hysterectomy’s most common side effects are vaginal drainage (which may occur up to six weeks after surgery) and irritation at the incision sites.
If your ovaries were removed at the time of your hysterectomy, you may experience menopausal symptoms such as:
- Hot flashes
- Vaginal dryness
- Loss of libido
- Difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
When comparing UFE and a hysterectomy, it’s important to consider these key differences.
Schedule Your Uterine Fibroid Embolization Today
If you are suffering from fibroids symptoms, call (855) 615-2555 to schedule a consultation with our interventional radiologists and learn about fibroid treatment without surgery. Most insurance plans cover treatments at USA Fibroid Centers.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do Fibroids Come Back After Non-Surgical Treatment?
When UFE is performed, it shuts off the blood supply to the fibroids, causing them to die permanently. However, new fibroids can begin to grow with any treatment besides a complete or total hysterectomy.
Several non-surgical treatment options exist for removing fibroids. You’ll want to discuss your options with your doctor to determine your best treatment plan.
More Questions? Talk to a Fibroid Specialist Now
- Uterine fibroids treatment – Focused Ultrasound, Mayo Clinic July 8, 2021 Uterine fibroids treatment: Focused ultrasound – Mayo Clinic
- Medication-related Treatments for Fibroids, NIH, November 11, 2018, Medication-Related Treatments for Fibroids | NICHD – Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (nih.gov)