Fibroids and Heart Awareness

During Heart Health Awareness Month this February, let’s celebrate the power of healthy hearts! One in five women is likely to get heart disease, and women with fibroids have an even higher risk. 

Fibroids and heart disease are two common health concerns for women, and understanding the connection between the risks and symptoms of these conditions  can empower you to manage your health and well-being proactively.

Fibroids and Heart Problems

Fibroids and Heart Problems

Did you know having fibroids puts you at a higher risk of heart disease?

If you are one of 26 million women with fibroids, you are more likely to have heart problems later in life, as fibroids share a surprising link with heart disease. Fibroids increase your chance of developing major risk factors such as high blood pressure. 

Although fibroids are non-cancerous growths in the uterus, they can put you at two to three times the risk of developing high blood pressure and possibly leading to heart disease. 

If you aren’t sure if you have fibroids, our symptom checker can help you determine if you should consult your doctor for an official diagnosis.

Take Our Free Symptoms Quiz

What Causes Fibroids and Heart Disease?

Since fibroids and heart disease share several common risk factors, studies have found that fibroids can be used as a marker for potentially developing cardiovascular issues.²

For example, women with fibroids appear to have lower levels of HDL (good cholesterol), which can protect the heart against heart attack and stroke. According to the American Heart Association, clogged arteries and low HDL cholesterol are risk factors for heart disease.

How Heart Health and Fibroids Are Related Graphic

Here are some of the other overlapping risk factors of fibroids and heart disease:

  • Having a family history of heart disease or fibroids
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Physical inactivity
  • Regularly drinking alcohol

It is important to monitor these risk factors to ensure no issues develop, or if they do, they can be treated as soon as possible through treatments such as uterine fibroid embolization (UFE).

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Can Fibroids Cause High Blood Pressure?

Fibroids Impact on Heart Health

Growing evidence suggests a link between fibroids and high blood pressure. Studies show women with fibroids are more likely to have high blood pressure than women without fibroids, though further research is required to understand the reason for this relationship.

Possible explanations for this relationship include:

  • Increased uterine blood flow: Fibroid growth depends on receiving a good blood supply. This demand for blood strains your cardiovascular system, potentially raising blood pressure.
  • Hormonal imbalances: Fibroids may release hormones affecting blood pressure regulation.
  • Inflammation: Chronic inflammation associated with fibroids can contribute to cardiovascular issues.

Prolonged high blood pressure can lead to thickening arteries, and women with fibroids typically have thicker arteries than women without fibroids. When arteries are thicker, the risk of a heart attack or stroke increases because there is less space for blood to travel to essential organs. Aside from high blood pressure, thickening arteries can be caused by other risk factors, including obesity and diabetes

If you have fibroids and are concerned about your blood pressure, talk to your doctor so they can monitor your blood pressure and recommend any necessary treatment.

Schedule a Fibroid Consultation

Managing Fibroids and Heart Health

Managing Fibroids & Heart Health

If you have fibroids and are concerned about your heart health, there are a few ways you can proactively manage these conditions: 

  • Regularly monitor your blood pressure: Get your blood pressure checked at the doctor’s office or you can purchase a blood pressure monitor to test at home as well.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Eat a heart-healthy diet, exercise regularly, and manage your stress levels.
  • Communicate with your doctor: Discuss your fibroids and heart health concerns with your doctor so they can recommend appropriate screening tests, monitor your health, and advise on managing both conditions effectively.

While most fibroids are harmless, they can significantly impact the quality of life and warrant medical attention. Common symptoms are:

  • Heavy bleeding or prolonged menstrual periods
  • Pelvic pain, cramping, and pressure
  • Frequent urination
  • Difficulty getting pregnant
  • Abdominal bloating or enlargement

Fortunately, various treatment options are available, depending on the size, location, and symptoms. Fibroid treatments include minimally invasive procedures like Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) to shrink fibroids. 

Living a Healthy Life

While fibroids and the potential link to heart health may seem daunting, remember that you are not alone. You can live a full and healthy life by prioritizing your well-being, managing your fibroids effectively, and staying informed about your heart health.

Understanding the connection between fibroids and heart health allows you to take charge of your well-being and build a brighter, healthier future. Part of living healthier is getting screened for fibroid and heart disease risks.

USA Fibroid Centers has locations all over the United States with well-trained and professional radiologists to help evaluate how fibroid disease may impact your health.

Our radiologists are the best in the country and always put you and your health concerns first. By scheduling a consultation online or giving us a call at 855-615-2555, we can help you better proactively manage your health. 

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Additional Fibroid Resources

Learn more about the importance of managing fibroids and heart health by checking out the following resources:

FAQs About Fibroids Impact on Heart Health

For anyone wanting to learn more about fibroids, cardiovascular risks, and their relationship with each other, here are the answers to common questions about these conditions.

Can Fibroids Cause Heart Disease?

Due to fibroids and heart disease having a fair amount of similar risk factors, a common myth is that fibroids and surgeries for fibroid removal, such as hysterectomies, can cause heart disease. However, there is no clear connection between fibroids and hysterectomy procedures causing heart disease. 

Can Fibroids Cause Heart Palpitations?

Although fibroids share risk factors with heart disease, they do not directly cause problems such as heart palpitations. Since fibroids are located in the uterus, fibroids are more likely to impact menstruation and pregnancy.

Heart palpitations are also not a sign of heart disease, as they can be caused by exercise or increased caffeine intake. However, if you are concerned about heart palpitations and their relationship to your fibroids diagnosis, consult a fibroid specialist.

Schedule a Fibroid Consultation


  1. “Women and Heart Disease,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, January 9, 2024,  
  2. Shannon K Laughlin-Tommaso et al., “Uterine Fibroids and the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adult Women’s Study,” Journal of Women’s Health (2002), January 2019,
  3. Yequn Chen et al., “Uterine Fibroids Increase the Risk of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy: A Prospective Cohort Study,” Journal of Hypertension 39, no. 5 (December 4, 2020): 1002–8,