Dr. Yan on Spectrum News 1

Founder and CEO of USA Fibroid Centers Yan Katsnelson recently appeared on Spectrum 1 New York to talk with news anchor Stef Manisero about fibroid disease.  Fibroids are muscular tumors that grow in the uterus. They are very common, affecting up to 80% of black women and 70% of white women. 

 Women who have fibroids may experience a variety of problems, including: 

  • Prolonged or heavy menstrual bleeding 
  • Painful periods 
  • Pain during sex 
  • Constipation 
  • Anemia 
  • Infertility 

Often women are only prescribed treatment for fibroids such as hysterectomy, the removal of the uterus. However, today there are many other treatment options available, including: 

Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE): This minimally invasive procedure blocks the blood supply to the fibroids, causing them to shrink or disappear. 

 Dr. Yan Katsnelson emphasized that women should not suffer in silence with fibroids. There are many effective treatment options available, and women should talk to their doctor about their options. 

 “Fibroids are a common but often misunderstood condition,” Dr. Katsnelson said. “Women should know that there are many effective treatment options available, and they should not have to suffer in silence.” 

If you think you may have fibroids, talk to your doctor. They can diagnose the condition and recommend the best treatment option for you. 

 For more information, or to schedule a consultation, call 866-615-2555. 


Watch the broadcast here


Read the Transcript Below: 

Stef Manisero, Spectrum News Anchor 

And for black women, the number is even higher at 80%. So fibroids are muscular tumors that grow in the wall of the uterus. Not all women who have these fibroids have any symptoms, but those who do deal with things like a prolonged dimensional period pain, constipation, pain during sex anemia, and many more. Here. To talk more about this as our guest today, Dr. Yan Katsnelson, he is the founder and CEO of USA Fibroid Centers. We appreciate you being here. Um, so we just kind of talked about what that is, what these fibroids are, how are they formed? What are they? 


Dr. Yan Katsnelson 

Thank you, Stephanie, for inviting me to speak without fibroid disease is a very common disease. After 80% of black women, 70% of white women suffer, uh, from fibroid disease. We don’t know exactly why that happens, but because it’s very common. Sometimes people normalize, think it’s normal to have a prolonged head menstrual period because they suffered. The sister suffered mothers, grandmas, everyone suffered. And one out of three women have hysterectomy as a treatment, at least in the past, a fibro disease, which is terrible. Can you imagine if you have a benign disease like a, you know, pain in the finger and someone cuts their hand? So that’s what was going on for a generation fibroid treatment.  


Stef Manisero Spectrum News Anchor 


It’s easy to see why when, when you hear about so many other people having similar symptoms, why do you think it’s not that big of a deal? Is there anything women could do to prevent these fibroids from, from developing? 

Dr. Yan Katsnelson 

It’s a great question. Unfortunately, we can’t really prevent food or any other things. Sometimes women get the hormonal treatments to minimize menstrual period and do this, but at the same time it prevents fertility. So, but there’s a good side to this too. It’s easy to treat today. So women suffer physically, right, because of all the symptoms also emotionally.  You know, a fibroid is also a number one reason for miscarriages. So infertility and many women find very late in their life that they actually have fibroids. After having anemia for years, multiple miscarriage, inability to conceive and not normal. (It impacts their) family life also, it is a social problem. You can’t go places because every 30 minutes you have to run to the washroom, you cannot go outside. It’s very, very big limiting thing. And it’s also economic problem-  Because it’s number one reason for absenteeism.  not going to work, suffering in pain, not going to school. 

Stef Manisero, Spectrum News Anchor 

You don’t feel well, it’s hard to correct to show up at work in school. What should women do who think this might be what’s impacting them do, how do they get tested to see if this is in fact what’s been impacting them?

Dr. Yan Katsnelson 

 So the test is surprisingly simple, it’s just ultrasound, okay. Transvaginal to abdominal ultrasound. Every gynecologist, most family doctors, they have  ultrasound in the office. It takes five minutes and it’s objective. They actually see the tumors and if they have a diagnosis and it match to the symptoms, the treatment is the new treatments.

Uterine fibroid embolization is fairly straightforward. Can be done in offices, medical clinics. USA fibroid centers is a clinics group with 170 locations in 30 states.  It’s 30, 45 minute procedure and two hours later patients can go home. It’s covered by insurance. So they don’t have to suffer from misery and waste their life on fibroids. Like maybe it happened in the past. They can have the best version of their life, fibroid free. 

Stef Manisero, Spectrum News Anchor 

Yeah. It’s funny because so many women so often get ultrasounds, you know, and go to their annual checkups with their gynecologist. Why do you think these fibroids aren’t getting you noticed? 

Dr. Yan Katsnelson 

Alright, I’ll tell you the secret, don’t share with anyone. If you go to Target, nobody will send you to Walmart. Gynecologists don’t do those procedures. They do hysterectomies, myectomy surgeries. So it’s a education process. I think more doctors need to know about the best  options for minimal invasive procedures as well as patients. And like a new technology, it takes time to adapt. So, but there’s opportunity for education for everyone.

Stef Manisero, Spectrum News Anchor 

 Which is what you’re doing here today. We appreciate you telling us more about this.

Dr. Yan Katsnelson 

Thank you for inviting me.

Stef Manisero, Spectrum News Anchor 

 Yes, Dr. Katsnelson, thank you so much. And if you’d like to learn more, you can go to USA Fibroid Centers.com.