Talk About ‘U’ Instagram Chat Covers Fibroid Pain And Symptoms

USA Fibroid Centers’ Medical Staff and Ambassadors Kym Lee and Shay Johnson Host Event

Northbrook, IL, May 7, 2021—The Talk About “U” Instagram Live Chat series from USA Fibroid Centers will focus on “Fibroids Pain: Signs & Symptoms ” on Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 6 p.m. CST. USA Fibroid Centers Founder and CEO Dr. Yan Katsnelson and Interventional Radiologist Dr. Jacob White will be joined by celebrity USA Fibroid Center Ambassadors Kym Lee and Shay Johnson to talk candidly about fibroid symptoms and pain.

The free program airs during National Women’s Health Week and is geared to help participants understand the spectrum of fibroid symptoms and treatment options. Celebrity Make-Up Artist Kym Lee and Actress Shay Johnson will share their personal experiences dealing with fibroid pain and treatment.

Talk About “U” – the U meaning uterus – is an initiative started recently by USA Fibroid Centers to encourage women to speak out and share their fibroid journeys. It has grown into a major public awareness campaign streamed live on social media to talk about the impact of this disease that affects almost 26 million women in the U.S. each year.

“We want women to stop normalizing pain caused by fibroids and to seek help to alleviate their symptoms before they become more severe,” Katsnelson said.

Talk About “U” Instagram Live Chat is a free event, but registration is required. To register, visit Talk About “U” Live Chat or click the button below.

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Follow us on Instagram @usafibroidcenters to get updates on our live events and latest news.

About USA Fibroid Centers
USA Fibroid Centers is the leading provider of minimally invasive fibroid treatment, with an extensive national network of centers. USA Fibroid Centers’ mission is to provide personalized, non-surgical treatment for fibroids using an advanced procedure called Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE). USA Fibroid Centers is dedicated to raising awareness of UFE as a treatment option and encouraging more conversation about fibroids.

Media Contact:
Susan Swartz
[email protected]